We power up your business with enterprise-grade blockchain solutions
We, at Arkanet, leveraging innovation with Blockchain, fuels the constant technological revolution to your business by leveraging the potential of Blockchain technology. As a Blockchain Solutions Providers Building Blockchain solutions, services and products for industries such as Finance, Supply Chain, Healthcare, Manufacturing and Real Estate, we help optimize business processes, increasing the efficiency of your organization.
Stepping into futuristic technology
Our vast experience in developing solutions on blockchain for various sectors allows us to enable and supplement your critical business operations catering to varied industries like MIoT, finance, real estate, retail, finch, health, E-commerce, to name a few.
Healthcare blockchain
Our Healthcare platform adopts the blockchain technology at Various Capabilities, Enablers, and Unified Work-Flow Process of Blockchain Technology to support healthcare. Blockchain plays a decisive part in handling deception in clinical trials; here, the potential of this technology offer is to improve data efficiency for healthcare. It can help avoid the fear of data manipulation in healthcare and supports a unique data storage pattern at the highest level of security. It provides versatility, interconnection, accountability, and authentication for data access. For different purposes, health records must be kept safe and confidential. Blockchain helps for the decentralized protection of data in healthcare and avoids specific threats.
Data market Place
The data marketplaces are emerging in today’s explosive data economy. Blockchains are emerging as an ideal solution and winner enabling the transaction non-fraudelant. Providing buyers, sellers, service providers, and publishers, evaluators, miners all have equal opportunity to address some of the key issues related to standard server-oriented data marketplaces. Our experience in partnering with large market place creation is considered as big winning factor in our blockchain based solution development.
Data mart
Any entity responsible for the treatment, care coordination or quality improvement of a patient population would benefit from access to this data. This includes hospitals, practices, clinically integrated networks, multi-specialty practices, health plans, patient-centered medical homes, federally qualified health centers, accountable care organizations and others. The Data Mart allows you to extract clinical data, so you may analyze it for the populations you serve. Limited data sets will be available for two purposes: quality metrics and care coordination. Our solution allows you to quickly access information to enhance care quality and continually improve population health.
Retail on Metaverse
Bridging the physical and the digital while creating a cohesive customer experience offers the key to success in the current nature of customer expectation. Instead customers come to shops, retails trying to reach the customers using metaverse technology. This would bring challenges in the currency and exchange rate. This problem is solved as a blockchain smart contract and transaction through the digital currently going to redefine many retails stores the way they operates. Delivering such platform was a unique experience we had with.
Data market place